Great views of San Pablo Bay
By Austin Explorer on 3/12/2017



Distance: 4.01 Miles Duration: 2 hours, 1 minute
Coppertone and I spent the day exploring Mare Island and this was our first stop. The fencing with barbed wire at the trailhead is a bit of a turnoff, but once the trail gets beyond the off limits area all you'll be looking towards the bay anyway.
We saw 2 raptors, probably Harriers, working together to scan the fields and marshes for prey. Someone, we're sure it wasn't the Harriers, took to sticking some dead bird parts into the chain link fence. Probably less meaty parts of the birds the raptors didn't bother with.
There are plenty of other birds still around. Large numbers of ducks and geese dotted the inland marshes.
I recommend tackling the trail earlier in the day if possible. The bug count increased as we made our way back to the car.