Very popular hike and bike trail

Trail View
A view of the paved trail in Vasona County Park.
User: Austin Explorer - 4/6/2014

Location: Los Gatos Creek Trail

Rating: 2stars
Difficulty: 1star  Solitude: 1star
Miles Hiked: 9.08 Miles  Elapsed Time: 3 hours, 8 minutes


Coppertone and I went a bit over 9 miles out and back on the trail today.  With the nice weather, lots of other people decided to do the same thing.  Lots of walkers, runners and cyclists.

We stopped for a few moments at Vasona Lake to watch the ducks in the water.  A male and female pair in particular seemed intent on keeping a large number of other ducks from a choice spot in the lake.  They were tenacious in their defense of it.

Log Photos
Vasona Lake
Trail View
Railroad Crossing
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