Elephant Seals

North Point
The more popular North Point site is more desirable by elephant seals and tends to sport more individuals that the other two beaches.
User: Austin Explorer - 5/31/2014

Location: Año Nuevo State Park

Rating: 4stars
Difficulty: 3stars  Solitude: 3stars
Miles Hiked: 4.50 Miles  Elapsed Time: 3 hours, 27 minutes


Coppertone and I came to Ano Nuevo to see the elephant seals and were happy to find that we got here when the preserve part of the park was open without having to arrange for guided tours.

The were about 400-500 seals on the beaches at three overlooks.  Most of them females and juveniles.  The seals were molting, so many had some bits of fur hanging on that they'd not yet managed to rub off.

The last mile of the Ano Nuevo Point Trail before the overlooks to view the Elephant Seals becomes very sandy and rather tough going.  Definitely not ADA accessible and a bit of a workout.

Log Photos
Trail View
Elephant Seals
Sandy conditions
North Point
Año Nuevo Island
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