Out Bell's Trailhead > Dinosaur Trail > Upper Slick Rock > Lower Ghost Camp Trail > service road (East then South) > Cougar Lookout 4.7 miles
Return Cougar Lookout > service road (West) > River Bend (North) > Badlands Trail > service road (East then North) > Scenic Loop > service road (North then East then North) > Shady Trail > Bell's Trailhead 4.4 miles
Nice temps, light breeze and sunny. Walked, talked and picked up trash; there was still some residue from the bike race of a few weeks back to include race route marking tape and the ever present GU packages.
I learned of an interesting product when I found an empty bottle some biker "accidently" dropped - an electrolyte replacement drink called "Dill Juice" or "Pickle Juice" or something which is made with real dill pickle juice. AMAZING!
If you want to drink pickle juice, save some money and buy a large jar of dill pickles - you get juice to drink and dill pickles to eat. With the money you've saved, I'll sell for a reasonable price, some marvelous rocks; rocks which make marvelous pets!
Water, shade and info kiosk on Dinosaur Trail where the dinosaur tracks are - this is the ONLY location where water can be had on this route.
Shade, info kiosk and dry toilets at River Bend Campground (ghost camp). Water for HORSES ONLY also available
Shade, info kiosk available at Cougar Lookout.