Windy and cold

Motels on the coast
A look back along the trail towards one of the motels in which we were staying.
User: Austin Explorer - 1/30/2016

Location: MacKerricher State Park

Rating: 2stars
Difficulty: 1star  Solitude: 2stars
Miles Hiked: 2.00 Miles  Elapsed Time: 47 minutes


With a trail passing right by our hotel how could Coppertone and I pass up the opportunity to walk at least a part of it?

With a bit of down time before dinner we walked out of our door and onto the trail, heading north towards the core of MacKerricher State Park.  The trail along here is a straight shot along the coast, but not close enough for picturesque ocean views, at least in the mile of distance we covered.

Log Photos
Motels on the coast
Virgin Creek