Easy path in downtown Napa

Trail View
A view of the trail looking back towards downtown Napa. The train tracks on the right is the line used by the Napa Valley Wine Train.
User: Austin Explorer - 8/13/2016

Location: Napa Valley Vine Trail

Rating: 2stars
Difficulty: 1star  Solitude: 2stars
Miles Hiked: 4.84 Miles  Elapsed Time: 1 hour, 34 minutes


Coppertone and I had a couple of stops for shopping and eating in Napa today and decided to get some a short walk in as well.  We parked at one of the downtown parking garages and planned on heading south on this trail until the heat started to prove a bit much.

The path follows the Napa River, which seemed to be filled with paddleboarders and kayakers.

Trail surface is flat, which makes for easy going for just about anyone.  On a hot day like today the paved surface meant higher temperatures.  Trees have been planted along part of the path, but it will take a while before they offer any comforting shade.

We turned around at Kennedy Park and doubled back.  As it turns out we were fairly close to the end of the trail though at the time we didn't know it.

Log Photos
Napa River
Trail View
Downtown Napa
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