North Shore - Bell's Trailhead to Cougar Overlook and back

North Concho River needs some Water!
The river is still there but definitely needs more water. Look closely and you'll see a Great Blue Heron .
User: MikeHikes - 3/10/2021

Location: San Angelo State Park

Rating: 4stars
Difficulty: halfstar  Solitude: 5stars
Miles Hiked: 10.60 Miles  Elapsed Time: 4 hours, 15 minutes


Leg 1 -  Bell's Trailhead > Dinosaur Trail > Upper Big Hill > Dinosaur Trail (S) > Dinosaur Tracks Viewing Area > Dinosaur Trail (S) > service road (W up hill) > Badlands > River Bend > service road (N) > Cougar Overlook     6.8 miles

Leg 2 -  Cougar Overlook > Javalina Trail > River Bend (straight to end) > service road (N) > Lower Ghost Camp Trail > River Bend Campground > Lower Ghost Camp Trail > South Slick Rock > Trailhead to Trailhead (N) > North Scenic Loop > Trailhead to Trailhead (N) > Shady Trail > Bell's Trailhead    3.8 miles

Temp started at 60, ended at 68.  Overcast skies with a steady, 10-15mph SW wind.

A quiet hike along dry, easy to see and traverse trails. I had the trails to myself with the exception of one other hiker I passed as I was on my return leg.  

I saw about 20-25 white tail deer as I drove in but only a few were spotted while hiking.  Bird activity was very lacking; there were only a few birds visible and only a few birds were heard except for a male Cardinal and a Cactus Wren at different points of the hike.  It was a quiet, peaceful hike with nothing going on except I picked up an exceptional amount of trash - two bags stuffed and overflowing with debris found on, and along, the trails.  


Info kiosk and a bicycle repair station available at Bell's Trailhead.  Water, shade and restrooms are available at the nearby campground area.

Water, shade, and info kiosk available at the Dinosaur Tracks Viewing Area.

Shade, info kiosk and a bicycle repair station available at Cougar Overlook.

Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets available at River Bend Campground.


Log Photos
North Concho River needs some Water!
Area around San Angelo State Park