Hiking and Caching

Sonoma Valley View
The great view of Sonoma Valley from the overlook just off of the You-Walk Miwok Trail.
User: Austin Explorer - 7/23/2022

Location: Bartholomew Park

Rating: 4stars
Difficulty: 3stars  Solitude: 3stars
Miles Hiked: 3.21 Miles  Elapsed Time: 2 hours, 35 minutes


Coppertone and I decided to revisit Bartolomew because of the four geocaches that were hidden along its trails.  It's always nice to have an extra reason to revisit a spot already hiked.

As it turns out the hike itself was reason enough.  We had forgotten how challenging some of the trail segments were and how wonderful the views were after ascending those steep pitches.

The park's trails suffered from wildfires in years past and the signs of damage are still visible in many areas.  The regrowth was encouraging.  More encouraging was the number of large, mature Redwoods with blackened, battle scared trunks that none-the-less sported lush, green canopies indicating they were ultimate survivors.

We hiked and outer loop consisting of the Grape Stomp and You-Walk Miwok trails.  Along these trails we succeeded in finding all four of the geocaches on our list.

Towards the end of our hike we encountered blackberry bushes that had a few ripe berries ready to be eaten.  So we celebrated our hike and geocache success with a little snack.

As we crossed one of the vineyards to get back to our trailhead we stopped and watched a gopher snake with another hiker as it checked out a few holes for a snack of its own.

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Sonoma Valley View
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