North Shore - Bell's Trailhead to Cougar Overlook Big Loop

The largest Ring Collared Snake I've seen at the Park.
The title says it all - he was about 18 inches long and stayed still when I snapped this photo. I've seen other Ring Collared snakes at the park but this guy was the largest.
User: MikeHikes - 5/14/2024

Location: San Angelo State Park

Rating: 4stars
Difficulty: halfstar  Solitude: 5stars
Miles Hiked: 9.60 Miles  Elapsed Time: 5 hours


Leg 1 -  Bell's Trailhead > Trailhead to Trailhead (S) > Dinosaur Trail > Dinosau Tracks Viewing Area > Dinosaur Trail (S) > Badlands > River Bend > service road (NNE) > Cougar Overlook     6.2 miles

Leg 2 -  Cougar Overlook > Javelina Trail > Lower Ghost Camp > Upper Ghost Camp > Riverbend Camping Area > Lower Ghost Camp (N) > South Slick Rock > North Slick Rock > Trailhead to Trailhead (N) > North Scenic Loop > Trailhead to Trailhead (N) > Bell's Trailhead     3.4 miles

Temp started at 59, ended at 86.  Sunny w/very light 0-5mph N then SW breeze.

Easy hike along familiar trails that were slightly damp with morning dew.  Lots of bird actvity - I watched a Great Horned Owl hunt near Bell's Trailhead, later I saw a male Painted Bunting having a dirt or any bath, Cardinals and Mockingbirds were singing as well.  Lizrads were spotted and so was a Ring Collared Snake (photo attached).  This snake was about 18 inches long which made him very large for that type of snake (at least as far as the ones I've seen).  The gnats were VERY active and I did the Georgia wave numerous times to shoo them off.  Of note there are literally hundreds if not thousands of holes in the ground at various places along the Dinosaur and Trailhead to Trailhead trails - those holes contains BEES!  I walking through them and they didn't bother me but caution is advised.


Info kiosk and a bicycle repair staton are available at Bell's Trailhead.  Water and shade is available at the nearby campsites.

Water, shade and an info kiosk is available at the Dinosaur Tracks Viewing Area.

Shade, info kiosk and a bicycle repair station is available at Cougar Overlook.

Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets are available at the River Bend camping area.

Log Photos
The largest Ring Collared Snake I've seen at the Park.
Area around San Angelo State Park