South Shore - Playground parking area to Burkett Park Short Loop

Lemonmint in Bloom
Lemonmint and gayfeathers are similar in appearance but Lemonmint is in the Spring and gayfeathers in the Fall.
User: MikeHikes - 6/6/2024

Location: San Angelo State Park

Rating: 4stars
Difficulty: halfstar  Solitude: 5stars
Miles Hiked: 6.10 Miles  Elapsed Time: 3 hours, 15 minutes


Leg 1 -  Playground parking area > Horny Toad Trailhead > Horny Toad > Nature Trail > Lanky Lackey > WS to LL Connector > Burkett Park      3.2 miles

Leg 2 -  Burkett Park > Winding Snake > Chaparral > Playground parking area   2.9 miles

Temp started at 75, ended at 87.  Slightly humid, very sunny w/intermittent 0-10mph SW breeze. 

Easy, short hike along dry trails that had been recently groomed.  Quite a few birds were out including a Black Tufted Titmouse which I hadn't seen in quite awhile.  I also saw a turkey hen running away from me with six chicks flying above her trying to keep up.  A few cottontails and a cotton rat as well as deer were also spotted.  Some yellow flowers are making a reappearance and the Lemonmint is becoming more common (photo attached).


Water, shade, info kiosk, toilets and a bicycle repair station are available at Playground parking area.

Water, shade, info kiosk and dry toilets available at Burkett Park.

Log Photos
Lemonmint in Bloom
Area around San Angelo State Park