xoxolat's Logbook

Total Log Entries: 5 (Rank: 112nd)  [List Them]  [Map Them]
Total Distance: 13.50 Miles (Rank: 256th)
Average Distance: 2.70 Miles

Average Rating: 3stars (3.48)
Average Difficulty: 1point5stars (1.81)
Average Solitude: 2stars (2.45)

Earliest Log Entry: 5/26/2007
Latest Log Entry: 8/14/2008

Average ratings are based on the published values and not the values entered in your own log entries.


My little girl, Ilona, and her boyfriend, Ted. Screaming & splashing at the "water park." [Brushy Creek Lake Park]
Log Entries
Too hot to think!
St. Edwards Park - Creek Trail - 8/14/2008  [View Log Page]
Rating: 1star Difficulty: 1star Solitude: 4stars
Distance: 1.00 Mile Duration: 1 minute

It was BLISTERING HOT when I visited this trail the other day, and I actually am not sure how much ground I covered (mileage-wise,) but I was only out there for about an hour.  I had forgotten my hat, so the heat was hard to ignore.  (The high was only 100.  "Only."  haha!)

I saw a few people, and no dogs.  Also, I didn't see one bit of garbage, as some people have mentioned.  But I did see one heck of a lot of cacti.  :-)

The creek was very low.  There were small pools in spots, packed with small fish with nowhere to go.  It's been raining lightly for the past two days, so I'm hoping those poor fish are getting some relief.

In short, it just wasn't an enjoyable hike for me.  (If you want to call it a "hike.")  When it's cooler, I'll give this trail another shot.

Crowded but pleasant.
Brushy Creek Regional Trail - 5/29/2007  [View Log Page]
Rating: 3point5stars Difficulty: 1point5stars Solitude: halfstar
Distance: 5.25 Miles Duration: N/A
Brushy Creek Park's popularity has boomed over the past few years, especially since they opened the free waterscape during the summer. (We go here often--especially when it's boiling hot outside!)

There are a LOT of families here, so expect a variety of people on the trail--from individuals, to couples, to dogs, to groups of teens. And they are all doing something different--walking, jogging, practicing sprints, biking, or just sauntering along.

It was very pleasant, but I felt that most people on the trail were a little too serious. (Dare I say...borderline snobby?) That sounds like an odd thing to say, but everyone is usually very friendly and talkative on the hiking trails and the people here would barely crack a smile.

Regardless, the trail was very easy, well maintained, and quite pleasant. Brushy creek is fascinating with its quiet, rushing water.

A sweet bonus
Brushy Creek Lake Park - 5/29/2007  [View Log Page]
Rating: 4stars Difficulty: 1star Solitude: halfstar
Distance: 1.75 Miles Duration: N/A
My family is often at this park and I've done this little trail a lot of times already. (I finally did the Regional Trail yesterday, so I thought I would add my two cents for this one.)

This park is truly family-oriented. There is a LOT do to--paddling, picnicing, nature trail, etc.

Of course, my child's favorite is the free water playscape. It's become increasingly crowded since it opened--and word of it has spread to parents all over this area. The weekends are particularly crowded, so we sneak in a few hours during the week around noontime.

The nature trail is a nice walk for everyone, but don't expect much solitude. Just as the park is packed, so is the trail...but nice nevertheless!

A Little Bit of Everything
Turkey Creek Trail - 5/27/2007  [View Log Page]
Rating: 4point5stars Difficulty: 3point5stars Solitude: 4stars
Distance: 2.50 Miles Duration: N/A
The unpredictable nature of the trail was what really stood out for me. True, there is a lot of crossing over the creek in the beginning, but the creek overall is simply beautiful. (Yes, I wound up slipping off rocks and deciding that it was just easier to walk through the water in the end.)

There is also a lot of twisting and turning throughout the trail. Once you head up at the peak/overlook, there is a lot of cactus and clear patches of ground.

I went while it was drizzling, and it had been raining. So, there was a LOT of mud.

Because of the mud factor, and the falling-in-the-creek factor, I can't decide if next time I should wear Teva-like shoes, or just plain tennis shoes.

There weren't many people at all on the trail. In fact, I think I was the last one to hit the trail and most of the people I met were just coming off. And, I only met two dogs, but there were obviously plenty of dogs. It was especially evident on the upper part of the trail where the trail was practically ALL mud for at least 1/2 mile.

Pretty & Serene
Spicewood Valley Trail - 5/26/2007  [View Log Page]
Rating: 4point5stars Difficulty: 2stars Solitude: 4stars
Distance: 3.00 Miles Duration: N/A
I went in the afternoon after the storms we've been having. Descending the winding stone stairs in the beginning is truly beautiful.

I did the entire trail--both ways--and saw people below me in the creek when I was nearing the end of the "upper" trail. When I turned around to go onto the "lower" trail, I wound up following a friendly couple with two dogs.

It was getting into sunset, so the trail was dark in spots, but filled with fireflies! It was like a dream!

As it says in the main description, the "turnaround" is actually the end of the trail as it comes out onto Scotland Well Dr. Definitely no parking there, but I sometimes see cars parked down on Spicewood Springs. I may try that next time.

It was dark when I was done, so I had to walk up the hill and back to my car at Middlebie. OUCH! It is about .5 miles from the trail's end, up the Scotland Well hill--which is a 45-degree incline--and then how many streets to Middlebie? A great workout in the end!