Jack London State Historic Park Photos

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Creek Crossing
One of several creek crossings on our hike. With the recent rains, the creeks were all flowing. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Orchard Trails
Unfortunately it appears most, if not all, of the fruit trees in Jack's orchards have long since died. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Wet and muddy
Coppertone stands in a small stream that crossed the path. Frequent stream crossings and muddy bogs here and there caked our boots with mud. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Sonoma Valley Again
Sonoma Valley again, with the Mayacamas Mountains behind it. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Another overlook
Every overlook along Sonoma Ridge Trail seemed to surpass the previous one. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Sonoma Valley
Sonoma Valley as seen from one of the overlooks on the Sonoma Ridge Trail. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
A forest on a tree
The growth of a single tree up close looks like another forest. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Moss covered trees
Trees are not spared by the moss. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Moss Covered Rock
Moss covered plenty of rock and trees, like these along the Sonoma Ridge Trail (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Trail View
Some service road trails are fairly wide and well maintained. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Mini groves of Redwoods can be found in numerous spots along the trails. Sometimes the trees gather in dense clumps. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Distillery Building
The distillery building right next to the London Cottage. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Sherry Barn
A closeup of the Sherry Barn. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Sherry Barn
Sherry Barn (previous usage), Manure Pit and Stallion Barn. The prickly pear cactus in the foreground highlights an experiment Jack perform with alternative cattle feed. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Pig Palace Pens
The Pig Palace caused some social scorn for Jack as the locals considered it a waste of money. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Pig Palace
The elaborate pig pen, a.k.a. the Pig Palace, was designed by Jack to save on manpower and provide for happier and healthier pigs. (Photo by Austin Explorer)
Winery Ruins
Looking through an archway at the winery ruins. Beyond lay a working vineyard on private property. Farther back at the tree line, the forest and park land continues onto the steeper slopes. (Photo by Austin Explorer)