Canyon Of The Grasshoppers

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User: Blaze - 6/21/2013

Location: Canyon of the Eagles - Lakeside

Rating: 1star
Difficulty: 1point5stars  Solitude: 3point5stars
Miles Hiked: 8.00 Miles  Elapsed Time: 2 hours, 58 minutes


I visited this LCRA park on my way to Colorado Bend State Park.  I had hoped to get 14 miles of hiking in, but I failed to realize that several of the trails are closed from March 1 through August 31 to provide better nesting conditions for the Golden-Cheeked Warbler and the Black-Capped Vireo.

NOTE:  Previous logs by other members have mentioned this, but I overlooked this detail and, as a result, found myself backtracking in search for alternate routes.

Frankly, I wasn't that impressed with this park.  There wasn't a lot to see.  Just trails to walk.  Instead of seeing eagles, I saw thousands of grasshoppers.  The place was literally infested with these insects.  I did include a detour out to the Eagle Eye Observatory to see what was there.  It was closed, of course, in the daytime, but they do allow public access on some evenings (check the Lodge for the schedule).

On my walk back from the observatory, I encountered a 6' long rattlesnake on the road.  This rattled me a bit, no pun intended, but I thought I should mention this so others are aware of this when they decide to hike the trails in the area.

Area around Canyon of the Eagles - Lakeside