Sweetwater Reservoir Loop

Sweetwater Dam
This dam was completed in 1888 and the reservoir provides 30 million gallons of drinking water to the area.
User: Blaze - 8/30/2019

Location: Sweetwater Summit Regional Park

Rating: 1point5stars
Difficulty: 1star  Solitude: 3stars
Miles Hiked: 11.54 Miles  Elapsed Time: 6 hours, 21 minutes


My wife and I hiked a long loop around the reservoir starting from Sweetwater Summit Regional Park.  We found out much later in the day that we should not have been hiking around the reservoir, but the gate was open so we thought the trail was open and decided to explore.  Apparently the gate had been left open temporarily by the workers to do some work around the reservoir, but we didn't know that.  When we saw the workers heading back in their trucks, they didn't tell us we weren't supposed to be there and/or to turn back/leave, so we didn't know anything was wrong until much later.  Our goal was to hike to the end of the reservoir and exit, but we found ourselves completely fenced in so we kept hiking all the way to the dam.  The entire area was fenced in there, too, but luckily a worker came by in a work truck, scolded us and let us out of the gate.  Once out, we took the Quarry Trail back up into Sweetwater Summit Regional Park.  Crazy day, but an awesome hike!

Log Photos
Water Park
Another View of the Water Park
View of the park
Mt. San Miguel
Sweetwater Dam