San Angelo State Park Photos
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Although not in the photo there were three hens and three young turkeys near the pond. I haven't seen as many turkeys as I normally do, probably due to the drought and relentless heat. (Photo by
I watched this young beaver forage back and forth in the water before he decided it was time for a meal. (Photo by
First time I've spotted these two at Isabel Harte. Fairly small so I don't know if they are litter mates or a mating pair. (Photo by
This was the only "large" butterfly spotted during today's five hour hike. Grasshoppers were spotted and a few much smaller moths/butterflies. Drought is SEVERE!! (Photo by
Last few hikes I've taken included a sighting of a Horned Lizard. Glad they are again making an appearance. (Photo by
The only fisherman I saw on the hike and when I got closer, he flew away. (Photo by
Looks bad but he was not in pain and moved quickly. Never saw this before. (Photo by
The park maintains numerous water troughs and tanks for the wildlife to use due to the ongoing drought. This fawn used the water trough located at Bell's Point in the park's mid-section. (Photo by
A wasp placed a paralyzed but still living tarantula in a hole for the wasp's young to devour when the eggs hatched. BRUTAL but it is what it is. (Photo by
Bee bush has started to bloom and attracts bees and other bugs. The scent of vanilla is intoxicating!! (Photo by
This majestic looking hawk was on Red Dam Loop and followed me as I hiked along the top of the "dam". A very calm and majestic bird! (Photo by
She watched me as I drove into the park. No fawns or bucks around, just the doe. (Photo by
One of the few birds out today due to the strong and cold, Northerly winds. A beautiful bird to be sure! (Photo by
This bee really enjoyed being inside the flower as evidenced by the pollen clinging to his body. (Photo by
Near 5 Points Junction, I saw this flower which already had a few insects crawling inside. Hopefully, the rains will come and allow more to grow. (Photo by
The weather is warmer and Spring is here. This cactus wren was singing loud and long, hoping to attract a mate. (Photo by
Flowering bushes are now evident and the bees are buzzing - a sure sign of Spring! (Photo by
Although not a flowing river, there are large areas that have water. When the rains come, this river will flow - sometimes it will overflow the banks! (Photo by
Spotted near Burkett Park. Not too concerned about seeing us as he wandered by. (Photo by
One of the first agarita bushes with a bloom at the North Shore. (Photo by
Sun rising above the dam at the San Angelo State Park. (Photo by
First Wren I've spotted in 2022. He was hopping along from bush to tree and back to bush near the Playground parking area. (Photo by
A sunrise flight of migrating birds heading North. (Photo by
Located on Tasajilla Flats, it just sits there and watches the days go by. (Photo by